
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pet Sematary: Gage Should Stick to Being Michelle Tanner's Friend.

I can't believe I only just saw this movie last month. I think I was afraid to go near it, because I thought pets died like crazy. Good thing I got over that fear. This movie makes #32 on Bravo's scariest moments list, and in all actuality is a pretty great flick. The Creed family moves to a nice quiet little Maine town. The nice old man neighbor next door takes the kids to see the Pet Sematary a Cemetery the children made for their pets that met unfortunate ends. Is this the pet Sematary the movie revolves around? Turns out no.

So then the little girls cat, Churchill gets run over when the girl and mom are out of town. The Dad is too heartbroken to tell his daughter the truth but the old man next door has a solution. Here he takes him to the real cemetery the movie talks about. An old Indian burial ground where those that are buried come back alive. While the old man warns him it's a bad idea he is all for the little not being hurt so they bury the cat. The cat comes back stinky and evil, hissing at everything. Who wants that kind of cat, I don't know.

What I enjoy most is the fact that Aaron from Full House is the little toddler Gage. Weird name I know. Gage has a bad habit of running towards the high way when big trucks are driving by at unquestionable speeds. One day he runs into the road and gets hit and killed. Poor Gage. The dad is beside himself with grief. The old man pleads with him not to bury him in the Indian Burial ground but the Dad does it anyway. Bad mistake. So here is where we get our scary moments.

Watch this movie if you haven't seen it. I was pleasantly surprised when I watched it. The stupidity of the Dad is insane, although I guess if Monkey, my cat died I would want her to come back to life too.

The best parts of the movie are; the famous achilles tendon slashing scene, and the mothers flashbacks to her nasty sister Zelda. The Zelda scenes are quite terrifying if I do say so myself. Zelda is played by a man. Which is funny, but the scene is so creepy all the funniness is wiped out. There are a few flashback scenes and each of them make me pee my pants. See for yourself. Not sure why it's in weird vintage style but you get the point.

Buy Pet Sematary At Horror Movie Empire.


  1. even though I haven't watched this movie in years, I still think someone is under my bed ready to slash my ankles at times.

  2. They screwed up Gage. He's supposed to come back as a horrifying mutilated demon, NOT as a campy version of Chuckie. He got hit by a truck, he isn't going to be all that cute any more.

