
Sunday, November 15, 2009

On a Non-Horror Related Note

No this isn't a deep dish pizza. It's a bread bowl filled with pasta. WHO EATS THAT MANY CARBS?? Actually who can eat that many carbs? This may be the most disgusting thing I've seen from Domino's, which is saying a lot because most things from Domino's are disgusting. Bleck I'm glad I still have my arteries intact. 


  1. Pretty revolting. But it's Domino's. Their pizzas are greasy sponges covered in cheese leather.

  2. Everytime I see this on TV, it makes me want to vomit. I weep for anyone who orders this. Artery clogging indeed.

  3. Hah I guess that's true I just didn't think even Domino's could stoop this low!!

  4. i so agree. WHO orders these?! how are they still in circulation?! their new commercial cracks me up.. the 3 'chefs' in the dominos kitchen, each showing off their different specialties. like any real chef ANYWHERE would be proud of gross out pasta bowls and those pretend-looking dominos subs!!

    dominos, really, just try getting pizza right before you expand to ruining other food items!!!

    (im so glad you included this travesty in your blog)

  5. If you look at it just right it sort of gives the impression of a toilet bowl filled with undigested food, which is exactly what happens a few hours later.

  6. Yeah, pretty gross. Looking at it before I knew what it was, I just assumed they were pizza balls, and the term pizza balls is even more unappetizing.

