
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Celebrate Black History Month with The Horror Digest

I realize that February is suppose to be "Women in Horror Month" in the horror community- however women get their own month in March so I've decided that I will be celebrating Black History Month like everyone else in the US of A I've mapped out the calendar, the arrangments are made- and once February starts you will receive one post a day about a famous black figure in horror- some well known others not as much- but all equally important and fascinating. So get out your appointment books and pencil in The Horror Digest for the entire month of February as your go to source for learning about these historical horror figures!


  1. This is an absolutely fantastic idea, you wonderful think tank, you!

  2. You know what, I was thinking of doing a whole piece on Ben in honor of black history month...and then roll that into a look at some of the stronger female characters, Romero introduced starting in Day of the Dead..

  3. Thus combining black history month AND "women in horror month" Personally I still think it's lame that this "axe wound" site (gross name btw) decided that february is women in history month. I'm gonna do women themed posts in March. Women can't get two months what would MLK say about that?!

  4. I just found you from Billy Loves Stu. I think this is an awesome idea & will start following your blog on Google Reader.

    Ax Wound is mostly a zine. Its editor said she chose February because it has 28 days ---> 28 Days Later. I could say more, but I'll keep my comments to myself.

  5. Thank you Sarah! I am very excited about this month, thanks for tuning in!

    Oh right 28 a menstrual cycle!? That zine is just silly with a horrible name.

