
Monday, February 15, 2010

HUGE Contest at Horror Movie Empire

You may or may not know that I have a side gig as a reviewer for the hottest new place to buy all your horror DVDs, mags, books etc---Horror Movie Empire.

This is the site responsible for all the cool new contests I've been putting up. And now it's time to unveil the latest contest going on at the it comes......

From now until February 22nd there will be 500 grab bags up for purchase. Each bag is $10 and with every grab bag you buy you get one DVD. But with every purchase you have the chance to win one of these amazing prizes! Every big prize is assigned a number and when that number grab bag is sold that person wins the prize!! Prizes are as follows...

1 PSP3000

1 XBOX360

1 Wii

1 Blu-ray player with 3 blu-rays

10 $10 gift certificates to the Horror Movie Empire store

2 $50 Amazon gift certificates

2 $50 Best Buy gift certificates

4 $25 Amazon gift certificates

4 $25 Best Buy gift certificates

1 $100 shopping spree at Horror Movie Empire

Other random but fabulous prizes given out--the Munsters Casket box set, all 3 seasons of Dexter on DVD, all 4 Dexter books, and some other blu-rays and box sets!

This is a huge contest, open to anyone including international buyers. The more grab bags you buy the bigger your chance of winning one of these great prizes!! So get your grab bag here and start winning those prizes!!!!

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