
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tired of Your Old Birth Control Routine? And Other Sort Of Important Things.

If you answered yes then you should watch this video BJ-C posted at Day of the Woman. Please no one ever give birth to something like this.

Anyways the point of this post is that I have a horrendous head cold and I need to tell you all a few things before I pass out, so listen up!

To all my British friends and readers; I have been informed about 2 very exciting shows coming up on Crime & Investigation Network. On Sunday March 14th, the premiere of Serial Killer Sundays kicks off. I don't know about you but I have an odd obsession with reading about serial killers. This show in particular will give you an up close and personal look into the minds of 22 of the most notorious serial killers. Kicking off on the 14th and beginning with a look at Robert Pickton (the Pig Farm Killer) at 10PM

and then Peter Sutcliffe (The Yorkshire Ripper) at 11PM

This series will run every Sunday for 4 weeks and will surely spook your pants off.

Following those epic Sundays will be The Krays by Fred Dinenage on Monday March 15th at 9PM. The Kray twins were two of the most notorious gangsters in British history. In this documentary, news anchorman and TV presenter, Fred Dinenage will share his experiences while writing about the Kray twins. In the documentary, Dinenage remembers his sessions with the twins as they were serving out their time, as well as recalling certain regrets the Krays had told him they had. Details will be given from their childhood, to their hey day to their demise. A truly interesting look at some truly terrifying real life criminals.

So if you are from the UK make sure to check out these two shows--I am insanely jealous that I love for serial killers will sadly have to be put on hold.

Exciting news. My dear old mum is taking on one of the most challenging bike rides out there. The Pan Mass challenge! As none of you probably know, my mother is the managing editor of my newspaper back home, The Cape Codder. And she will be writing in the Wicked Local blog, tracking her progress! That's right like mother like daughter- two bloggers in the Dumas household...well 3 I guess if you count Emmy Doomas. So check out my Mom's blog and read all about her exciting new adventure. Good luck Mommy Dumas!

And finally head on over to the Vault of Horror and check out the latest "The Many Faces Of" post because guess who helped out with it. Oh yeah that would be me. This time we are looking at the many faces of Hitchcock in his famous cameos. I slaved away at B-Sol's whip as he forced me to take screen shot after screen shot of Hitchcock cameos. Just kidding I offered my assistance, and let me tell you, it was the most fun I have had in a while. I'm serious! It was like an amazing version of Where's Waldo and I loved every minute of it.

So I guess that's it. Sorry if this post has annoyed you but I guess I just don't really care. And that's life.


  1. It's a good thing you only posed from the front, so that no one can see the scars left by my mighty lash. But seriously, thanks for doing such a great job. And nice to read about your mom's new endeavor. Geez, your mother, my daughter--this blogging thing is becoming a family affair!

  2. Hey! I get the Crime and Investigation channel on Dish Network - it's one of my new HD-only stations. Wonder if it's one and the same?? The do tend to wax poetic about serial killers and true crime on that station (which I love as well, so we're both weird!)... so I'm ever-so curious and will have to check into that.

    Oh, and where on Cape Cod are you from? I vacationed there years back and it was all so beautiful that I'm insanely jealous!

  3. Chris- I was told that there was probably an equivalent here in the good ol' US of A. So I'm willing to bet that it is the same channel. Lucky!

    I am from Eastham, way down on the cape closer to Provincetown!

