
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Win a My Bloody Valentine/April Fools Day Double Feature!

Yes the originals of course! It's the first week of the month which means another fantastic contest. So for you all I have selected the wonderful prize of a double feature- My Bloody Valentine and April Fools Day- two wonderful movies- one great DVD. A prize made even more awesome by the fact that April Fools Day is out of print. I'm such a good salesperson I know. Anyways if you are interested in claiming this prize for yourself, entering is easy.

1. Make sure you are following the Horror Digest

2. Email and share with me one of two things. 1.) What it is about Valentine's Day that makes you vomit. or 2.) The greatest April Fools Day prank that you pulled on someone or someone pulled on you.

Open to all, contest ends next Friday the 12th. So get to work!
Big thanks to Horror Movie Empire for always providing these fabulous prizes.

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