
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Horror Digest Presents: The Ultimate Screen Grab Challenge!

You know what my favorite thing about Friday's is? The answer is of course Kindertrauma Funhouse! I've said this before, but Kindertrauma was the first blog I ever came across and I used to stalk the archives for past funhouses to test my horror knowledge. Even now while watching a certain movie I'll exclaim madly, "HEY THAT WAS A FUNHOUSE SCREEN GRAB ONE TIME...A LONG TIME AGO!" Thank goodness I watch most horror movies alone.

So as a homage to my very favoritest blog and as a giant thank you to all my readers, I've compiled the ultimate screen grab challenge. 50 screen grabs from 50 fantastic horror (or "thrillers" for you purests) movies. The contestants with the three highest correct answers will win OR if by chance I picked screen grabs that are way too easy.... the first 3 people to guess them all correctly will win.

To deviate a bit from the way my pals at Kindertrauma do things, everyone MUST email me their answers. Any answers given in the comments section will be deleted immediately by me and you'll be in big trouble.


1st place winner receives John Carpenters Master of Fear collection which includes: Village of the Damned, Prince of Darkness, The Thing and They live. As well as a special secret prize to be mailed as soon as I receive it.

2nd place: The Shallow Grave DVD that I bought for the sake of it's review. Watched once so it's basically as good as brand new, but hey it's second place! I might also give you a $10 Amazon card if I like you.

3rd place: Brand new copy of A Carnivore's Inquiry which I recommended here, plus another $10 Amazon card--but again only if I like you.

Email all entries to

Please Note: If you want to play but do not want to be considered for the prizes that is totally cool, just let me know in your email and I'll still post the top 3. Guessing screen grabs is just fun, so don't be worried about how many you get right or wrong! Hopefully I've mixed some nice easy ones in with all the medium and hard ones to give everyone a shot at feeling smaht!

You have from now until 6PM Friday EST to get your answers in. Goooooodluck!

Be advised the answer to this is NOT The Wicker Man.


  1. wow! that's gonna be a tough one!

  2. Wow! I'm a bad horror fan because I can't even attempt to guess some of those screen grabs. I think I might know 4 of them LOL!!! I can't wait to see what they are. ^_^

  3. Delete this if you must, but you can't fool me: these are ALL from the Prom Night remake!

  4. Ouch! The shoe is on the other foot... and it hurts! These are tough, I know a couple though (I hope!) -Unk

  5. way I'm gonna get this...

    That first pic is Back to the Future right? :-P

  6. Phew I'm glad I didn't make them too easy. This will be an interesting challenge!

    Stacie that's your first warning!

    Take your time guys, don't forget it's open till Friday so you have lots of time to study the pics. I may give hints out on Twitter periodically.........

  7. Wow, dude. This is the most challenging screen grabber I've ever seen.

    Many asses are being kicked right now.

    I'll see how many I can get. I only recognize a few on first glance.

  8. Oh dear lord. Wow. Muy dificile!
    I shall study but still figure to get like...five.

    I continue to be amazed at your horror prowess. Whew!

  9. You're quite the task-master! Great blog, and I noticed on your profile that you like Martyrs, which always scores points from me ;)

  10. Thanks Aylmer

    I DO like Martyrs. Love, actually. Read my review to get a better idea of how it basically changed my life...!

  11. Wow... I came over here ready to run the gauntlet laid down, but dayum! I think I've been beaten sorely. Andre... nice! This is one tough challenge!

  12. i know this is waaay overdue...but i wanted to give it a go.

    2. house of 1000 corpses???
    3. black christmas
    4. people under the stairs
    7. madhouse???
    11. night of the comet
    15. friday the 13th final chapter?
    29. fright night
    42. night of the hunter
    46. terror train
    47. tourist trap???

  13. Hey not bad Joshua! You got them all except 7, 15 and 47!

    You may have just inspired me to do this again for the upcoming Halloween season! Keep your eyes peeled!

