
Monday, April 5, 2010

The Most Disturbing Thing I Have Ever Seen.

Everyone has their big disturbing moment in movie history. Cannibal Holocaust, Antichrist, rape movies, Pee Wee's love scene in Big Top Pee Wee, whatever. The one moment in a movie that made you run for the nearest bathroom or collapse in a heap of sweaty clothes. You remember it almost as much as you wish to forget your eyes ever set their sights on it. As for me, if most people had to guess, I'm sure they'd say my most disturbing moment came from Salo, or maybe something involving sharks or vomit but you're wrong! Believe it or not my most disturbing moment is brought to you by Puppet Master...

Now, I'm not entirely sure why I've never seen Puppet Master or why I'm going to have to start it from the beginning again because it just didn't grab my attention. But just so you know, it did grab my attention enough to have this image haunt me for the rest of my life.

What. The. Fuck. I've seen some messed up stuff. Meaning I sat through Salo and watched people eat steaming turds and this little scene of that doll puking up leeches onto that guys chest was WAY more horrifying. Maybe it was her creepy doll voice, or the fact that she reminds me of puppets from Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, the fact that somehow that guy thought that a mouth the size of a dime was his girlfriend's mouth, or those awful retching noises that she was making. OR that the actors were such amateurs that they had to film their hardcore sex scene with a sheet between their private parts.
Who knows. All I know is that this is officially the most disturbing thing I have ever witnessed. Very. Very upsetting indeed.


  1. Honestly when I was younger the leech doll doing her thing was the closest I've ever come to puking when watching a movie. It's still makes me kind of sick.

  2. Oh god leeches are one of my worst fears! The scene from Stand by me! Oh ugh! Traumatized me for life.
    And the leech scene from Sleepaway camp 2 made me puke.

  3. The leech scene from The African Queen is something I saw when I was a little kid, and it's haunted me ever since! God, what is it with leeches, anyway??

  4. Umm I call your leeches and raise you vomit horror. Yes folks, this exists and I am a witness...sigh.

  5. Hm. This never got to me, but I definitely watched it as a kid and was probably desensitized early. In fact, I kind of credit this scene as teaching me that some people like to be tied up during sex. Such a vital life lesson.

  6. I don't think I'm afraid of leeches though, it's just the idea of that gross doll puking them up that really gets me.

    Jaded- vomit horror? As in the duel post I did with BJ-C? Oh I know vomit and this disturbed me waaaay more. Plus my two worst fears are vomit and sharks!

    Emily- How is that possible?! You are afraid of creepy dolls!!!!! Darn.

  7. The first time I saw Puppet Master, I was slightly afraid of the dolls but then realized they were always acting on the side of good, helping their master until he turned out to be evil and then killing him. By the time Part 3 rolled around, it was clear that the puppets were always on the right side, whereas the Demonic Toys were evil SOBs. The same can be said about Stuart Gordon's DOLLS, although those things are terrifying. They just didn't linger in my nightmares because ultimately, they only hunted those who misbehaved.

  8. That scene never bothered me, even when I was younger. I think the most disturbing scene I have watched in a movie is the cave sequence at the end of the indie horror movie The Trek. I actually had to look away it was so brutal.

  9. My most disturbing scene was from an old movie called "Tourist Trap" where he put the plaster over her face and when he got to the end and did her nostrils and her chest heaved because she was suffocating...yeah, that bothered me for years....

  10. Salo really disturbed me, that and the male rape scene in the non horror movie "Descent" with Chad Faust...icky icky sicky sick! ;P

