
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Win Tickets to the Coolidge Corner Theater's Halloween Horror Movie Marathon! Entry Date Extended!

Hello once again Boston readers! October is right around the corner so I've decided it's time to kick off my month long contest. I am giving away 10 tickets to the Coolidge Corner Theater's Halloween Horror Movie Marathon, originally 20 bucks apiece but they can be yours for free. What's happening at the marathon this year? Dude, where have you been?

Winning tickets is simple. Email me at and tell me your most memorable Halloween story (an actual event or favorite memory etc) I'll pick the winners on or around the last week before Halloween.
Easy to Remember Details
Win: 1 free ticket to the Coolidge Corner Theater's Halloween Horror Movie Marathon. Oct. 31st beginning at 12 AM.
How to Enter: Email and tell me about your most memorable Halloween (anything about it, a good story, something scary that happened etc.)
When: Contest is open now and until I get 10 entries. Get those entries in!
EDIT! I've extended the contest till I get 10 whole entries. Right now I have about two (sad) so at this point, if you email me you pretty much win!

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