
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

An Announcement Plus Stuff I've Been Watching

So probably I'm going to switch the name of my blog to "The Horror Digest (and other stuff)" because I've decided over the past 7 months that horror is no longer my main squeeze. Sure, I still love it but lately I've become much more enamored with everything--hence the reason why I basically ceased all blogging. Does this make me an interest slut? Probably. Whatever, I practice safe interests so it's OK.

If you're upset about this, I'm very sorry. Let me console you by patting you on the back... which is typically the extent that my ability to comfort other people reaches.

Now, over the past 7 months I have successfully become obsessed with several TV shows. I also finally got rid of Comcast (or as I like to call it SUCKCAST) and switched to Verizon Fios. As you can imagine my soul has been deeply healed because of this. And now for your reading pleasure, here is what I am currently obsessed with.

Mad Men

If you can believe it, I did not step onto the Mad Men train of love until very recently. It's not that I was against it, or unwilling to accept its mysterious charms but I simply was intimidated by how much everyone loved it and I felt like I just wasn't ready yet. Then a few months or so ago I decided I was totally ready. This is not unlike the way I felt about finally wearing pants.

Over the course of about 2 weeks, I watched the entire season (this was sometime right before the newest season aired). There was one weekend where I watched the entirety of Season 3 and 4 in one sitting and emerged from my couch looking like this.

Except a little less attractive.

Obviously I am now hooked and ready to talk all about it if you want to. So far, here is what I've decided.

1. Bob Benson is a serial killer.

2. Glen keeps getting creepier and is probably also a serial killer.

3. Peggy and Stan should just do it already and get it over with.

4. Peggy and Ted should not.

5. All these references to Rosemary's Baby and Sharon Tate can only mean one thing....

The Castevets are moving in. Yeah!

And also probably Megan is pregnant and will be murdered either by Glen or Bob Benson.

6. Pete is still the worst.

And there you have it. Stay tuned for a full episode recap after the finale airs. Yeehaw.


After watching the first episode of NBCs Hannibal, I was very dubious. I felt like they made Will Graham a little too mentally unstable and that they made Hannibal just a little too uncomfortably foreign.

 By the second episode however, I was able to separate the show from Red Dragon in my mind and take in all the good stuff. Especially how freaking gorgeous everything is in this show. This is like.....verging on Suspiria style horrific beauty people.

And the surrealism factor mirrors everything I like about The Cell. It's art. It's scary. And I love it.

I still think Mads Mikkelsen is a little too exotic to be considered a viable substitute for Dr. Lecter but Hugh Dancy is slowly making his way into poster in my bedroom territory.

Sure, Will Graham is definitely crazy. But at least now that we know his craziness has an underlying and actual medical cause, I feel a little better about the future.

Oh and also fuck that episode about scary girls who think they are dead hiding under beds.

Now I'll never be able to sleep again. I think out of all the episodes, that one especially scared the Jesus juice out of me. That is how you build suspense and then terrify people. Current horror movies take note.

Anywho, I think out of all the new shows that have peeked their heads out--Hannibal wins best new show hands down. I'm excited to see where it will go--though of course I have my suspicions. What are yours?

Other Stuff

While Mad Men and Hannibal are probably my two favorite new obsessions, there are a handful of other shows I've become acquainted with that I would certainly like to get to know better. Second base at least.

The Following withheld my interest throughout its season despite the hilarious game I had with myself called, who else is in the cult? My right foot.

My cat.

And a cheeseburger

were all possible things I figured were in the cult since everyone else on the planet evidently is.

It's a little cookie cutter at times but ultimately I found The Following to be a solid way to spend Monday nights. Kevin Bacon chugs vodka out of water bottles and that guy who got killed in Dexter got killed again. Poor guy can't catch a break.

The finale felt odd and kind of a little too 'final' if you know what I mean. My prediction is that The Following will have one more season and then die because you can only have one black character per major network show. Or wait, I can only take the crazy cult plot so far you know?

Reality TV

I'm not afraid to admit my passion for reality TV. Yeah it's stupid and everything that's wrong with the world but you know what? It's also very entertaining. However my two favorite reality TV shows really have made me angry and have apparently been overtaken by country music fans all over the world. Fuck that shit man.

The Voice and Celebrity Apprentice have both wounded my heart and soul. First, Trace Adkins Mr. I'm Grumpy All the Time and I Don't Really Have Good Ideas Just a Lot of Money wins beating out Penn Jillette THEN Adam Levine's entire team gets voted off the Voice despite the fact that all three of them had better voices then the rest of the people in the competition. Leaving the Swon brothers or as I like to call them, One Swon Brother and a Backup Singer

 and Danielle Bradbury who is cute but dangerously close to becoming Taylor Swift's bratty little sister. Great. My true feelings have officially been unleashed. Apologies to everyone who thought I was cool.

Looking Forward To....

For many people, Homeland became the new "it" show. Count me in as one of those people. I can't get enough of crazy Claire Danes and tiny mouthed Damian Lewis and their stupid love affair and the twists and the turns and and and MANDY PATINKIN.

Gah. Is it Fall yet? Also who thinks they would be an awesome CIA Agent? Everyone obviously.

But seriously I think I would be the best. CIA, I'm guessing you know where to find me.

Breaking Bad's final hours have arrived.

I'm sad to find out that many avid watchers of the show slowly started to lose interest. This is most likely due to the fact that the show is so fucking depressing and bleak that people are worried they will spontaneously combust into a black hole of death.

Or maybe there just isn't enough Walt Jr. to go around? I'm torn.

I however, am totally ready to spontaneously combust and see what exactly is going to happen. Let's all hold hands when it starts OK?

Wow I live an awesome life huh? Don't worry though, I also read books.


  1. So glad to see you back!

    And further evidence we may share brainwaves, I've toyed with the idea of expanding the WGON Helicopter to include more genres.

    And hey, I'm happy to read whatever you write, even if it doesn't involve horror - so keep the articles rolling!

  2. Yay! I'm glad you are back Andre! I think it's great that you'll be talking about things other than horror... there is so much out there in the world that is interesting, so the more topics the better. You have to make sure blogging stays "fun" for you, and doesn't become some task that you feel like you have to do for other people... it should be for you, and about what interests you.

    I can't wait to see Hannibal, and The Following... I unfortunately have to wait 'til they are on DVD, but I should watch Mad Men at some point (as I have no excuse for that one).

  3. Great to here from you. Your wit and insights were missed.7

  4. I really should get around to watching Mad Men sometime soon!
    As for Hannibal, I haven't started watching it yet, because the stupid channel over here keeps putting it on at 11:00 at night!

    Great post, Andre!

  5. Hey Andre, I'd like to join everyone else in welcoming you back! And it's pretty cool that you've expanded the scope of the site as well--I actually have not been watching as much horror myself as of late(for various reasons) but like you I still enjoy the genre.

    Actually my binge watching obsession (for the last 6 months!) has been Dallas. I've been watching ALL of the seasons, in order, of the original series. It's taken so long 'cause there are 14 seasons and I finally started on season 14 today! Yay! The end is in sight!

    Anyway I was happy to read that you've been binge watching Mad Men since it's one of my favorite shows and I was laughing at your list 'cause I agree w/everything you had to say :) What's funny is that there was an article online that had people speculating that Megan was going to be murdered since she's an actress and because of the references to Rosemary's Baby & Sharon Tate--although the Manson Murders haven't occurred/been referenced on the show yet.

    Also for a little while I was thinking that they were going to have Bob Benson & Joan hook up and then Bob goes all Single White Female on Pete which chucked that theory out the door!

    Ha ha, sorry about the novel, I just had a lot to say :)

  6. My blogging always ceases when I find a new TV show on Netflix to become obsessed with. First it was "24", and most recently it was "Mad Men" for me as well (synchronicity!), and then "The West Wing." Entire series were completed in a matter of weeks, while watching nothing else. I'm always like, "Ooh! I have just about an hour free before I gotta go do that thing [work, dinner, whatever] which means I can squeeze in the next episode of [currently obsessed show]." I think I'm done for now, though, so it's back to movies again!

    And how much do you love Peggy on "Mad Men"? Seriously, I need her to be my best friend.

