
Thursday, March 24, 2011

There's Something About The Donald

I drank a chai tea latte today and I'm feeling saucy. So saucy, that I feel like talking about The Donald. If you've been reading this here blog for a while, then you know that I often refer to "THE Donald". The Donald however is not to be confused with a man who erroneously was given the title, "The Donald". When I say The Donald I mean THE Donald also known in some places as Donald Sutherland and in other places as the official narrator of the 2010 Winter Olympics.

My sister asked me a little while ago what the draw of The Donald was. I didn't have a clear cut answer. We know my intial obsession began with Buffy the Vampire Slayer the movie, but after that it gets fuzzy. It's not like I'm sexually attracted to him (Please, that is reserved for Daniel Craig and Boba Fett), I just like him. I think he's awesome and every time I see him in a movie, I feel at peace. He's like a constant beacon of light in my sometimes dark and meaningless world. Is that so wrong?

SO while scouring the daily news articles today, I came across one about The Donald that peaked my interest. When I reviewed Don't Look Now, I quipped about how damn steamy that sex scene between the Donald and Julie Christie was. It lasts for about a year, and make you either turn red, get a boner or cry. There were rumors floating around claiming that the sex was real and honestly anyone that has seen it wouldn't be too surprised to find out that it was.

This article came out today however that claims the sex scene was in fact real. Former Variety editor Peter Bart wrote about his time on set of Don't Look Now in his new book. As a former Paramount pictures executive, Bart was given access to the infamous bedroom scene. Bart writes in his book, "It was clear to me they were no longer simply acting they were fucking on camera."

Hmmmm interesting! There was also a rumor flying around that The Donald and Julie Christie had a love affair and that Christie's husband at the time, Warren Beatty was not too thrilled with the sex scene--even at one point demanding that it be cut out of the film. One thing we do know for sure is that the sex scene was the first scene that The Donald and Julie Christie filmed together. In fact, the first time the two met was on the set of Don't Look Now. I somehow find it both hard to believe and easy to believe that The Donald would be so ballsy.
Is Peter Bart full of shit? As much as I would like to credit The Donald for iniating full blown sex immediately, I'm not so sure I can believe it. Bart's "evidence" is that he was watching and decided they weren't acting? How do you know? Was the P in YOUR V? I hope not.

Anywho--interesting news being scattered about the interwebz today and since The Horror Digest fully supports anything and everything The Donald, I figured I'd keep you in the know. May the gentle aura of The Donald remain intact.

Oh and you may have also noticed I spruced things up around here a bit. New font, a new banner design and font, and fancy schmancy tabs under the header. Plus over here --------> are the most popular posts at the 'Gest. Neat huh? Let me know if you like the changes but don't tell me if you hate them because then I'll hate you and we can't have that.


  1. As a Canadian I'm required to love the Donald. But that sex scene is something else. Despite everything I think that sex scene that makes Don't Look Now Feel more legitimate in terms of storytelling because the sex feels real and emotional, not gratuitous.

  2. What a coincidence because I just watched Kelly's Heroes two nights ago!! I think it is one of his better roles and he is absolutely brilliant as the eccentric Oddball.
    I've also always liked him in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers re-make. When he screams in the last scene has always creeped me out as he was the lead character right to the end of the movie. It just doesn't seem right when you find he has become an alien. A very good twist type ending.

  3. Great tribute. I too understand the charm of the Donald. There's a quiet gentleness about him that calms me like a cup of tea. Especially in the music video for Kate Bush's Cloudbusting. I think one of his most underrated films is The Day of the Locust. It's a very disturbing movie and has its share of frightening moments. The Donald is great in it, alternately heartbreaking and terrifying.

    I haven't seen Don't Look Now. It's been on my Netflix queue forever (I too am trying to watch the whole Bravo List, congrats on having done it). I've only heard good things.

  4. Sorry but in my opinion Donald Pleasence is and will always be THE Donald.

  5. I thought I was the only one with a Donald Sutherland appreciation. No one seems to understand it...

