Call me a macho woman- but screaming out loud in a horror movie is usually a big deal for me. Perhaps it was merely because I was surrounded by my friends who were also freaking out- or because it was just geniuely really scary but whatever the reason, I was screaming for a good hour of this movie.
Liv Tyler has rejected her boyfriend's proposal but they decide to have a nice night at a rustic house in the middle of nowhere anyways. Pretty awkward if you ask me. It's not long before there is a knock at the door and a meek woman's voice asks if Tamara home. The woman's voice is so eerily airy and out of it you just know something is up. Not to mention the door is especially heavy so when anyone knocks it's like the devil pounding on your soul. That was pretty deep if I do say so myself.
Sooo the boyfriend leaves for some reason I forget and Liv is by herself, and for some reason decides to play the creepiest most terrifying song that obviously foreshadows the future and is a omen to NOT GO OUTSIDE. This is the song but don't pay attention to the annoying pictures and speech bubbles.
Great Review, I have to agree this movie is pretty scary just the thought of it happening in real life it's what scares me the most. And of course.. the record playing those songs...
sooooooooooooooooo SCARY! i dont even remember the end because i think i blocked it out.. i just remember i was hiding behind a couch pillow for most of it. good call!
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