Friday, September 28, 2012

The Five Stages of Watching The Tall Man (As Demonstrated by Babies)

Stage One: Excitement

Stage Two: Boredom

 Stage Three: Confusion

Stage Four: Angry Crying

Stage Five: Bitterness

You're dead to me.


Thomas Duke said...

I wasn't bored with it, but it didn't seem to really fit together. I guess it's sort of like a reverse Children of the Corn or something. Maybe I missed something.

CashBailey said...

That pretty much sums up how I felt about it.

I actually thought Biel was quite good. I can see where this kind of dressed-down, unglamourous role would be attractive to her. And apparently she put in a chunk of her own money to get it made, so you've gotta respect her for that.

This is a massive step down from MARTYRS, but I wouldn't write Laugier just yet. Maybe he should go back to France and make another ball-tearing horror classic.

mwilliams1220 said...

Thank you, I was going to watch this tonight. I will now devote the time you saved me to making the world a better place for humanity.

Spooky Sean said...
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Anonymous said...

Bah! So torn with this one. Definitely seems to be polarizing. Hmmmmm, still might check it out.

Teresita said...

Yeah....I didnt buy the ending.Hey, what about Chained, I dont see it in your blog.That movie leave u thinking...

Unknown said...

I thought the movie was great. Honestly.

Anonymous said...

This is a massive step down from MARTYRS, but I wouldn't write Laugier just yet. Maybe he should go back to France and make another ball-tearing horror classic..