I'm starting a club because I feel like there's a real lack of clubs in this world. When I was in elementary school, I was in a pretty sweet club called, "We just saw the Craft and are now pretending to be witches". I was also in the Jelly Belly club--which was amazing because you got an actual club membership card and you could lie and tell them that your name was something else. Mine was Starr Dumas. HA. That's embarrassing....don't repeat that to anyone. But now? What cool clubs are there out there? Sam's club? Burger King kid's club? See? There is a shortage of clubs and that is why I am hereby starting up the scary face club. P.S. Yes this is going to be exactly like the Babysitter's Club, only scary.
Every month I will induct 5 scary faces into the Scary Face Club. It will be fun, because we can sit around and talk about and look at scary faces all day. For this first month's meeting, I will be taking a vote on who the president of the Scary Face Club should be and I want every body's input. This means YOU Kurt Russell. I know you're out there somewhere........
So without further ado here are the first five scary faces to enter the Scary Face Club.

Pazuzu has my vote for the President of the Scary Face club. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say FUCK YOU scary Exorcist face. I always forget when it's going to show up and then it gets me every single fucking time. And then, I close my eyes and all I can see is that face. Oh god oh god.

It's common knowledge that when a man plays the role of a woman--shit is usually scary. Such is the case with the Zelda flashbacks in Pet Sematary. There are few things more terrifying and disgusting than seeing Zelda writhing on the bed and trying to eat.
Dumpster Creature

I often get in trouble for posting this picture without warning. So if you are one of those people that gets easily upset by this picture, then I apologize. I'm sure none of us expected to actually see what the monster behind the dumpster looked like. I myself assumed it was all in that one guy's head. This is what makes the monster's/homeless man's appearance so incredibly terrifying. That and the fact that it's just a really scary fucking face. And it's dirty.
The Countess

I think you should know, that I still have a hard time entering a dark room and turning on the lights because of this damn Countess. One of these days she's going to be lying there in my bed and staring at me with those eyes. And then I will cry for a very, very long time.

I had to decide on the final inductee with some help from the Twitterverse. Barlow and Count Orlok look the exact same so it's difficult for me to decide who gets to be on the first committee of the Scary Face Club. In the end however, I was reminded of how fucking scary the first time we see Barlow is---and many agreed and therefore, Barlow wins! Don't cry Count Orlok, you'll be in the Scary Face Club someday!
SO. Who gets your vote for president of the Scary Face Club?
And without further ado---The first meeting of the Scary Face Club has come to order!
I would have to throw in a vote for Angela Baker.
The end of Sleepaway Camp still scares me. So very, very, very, wrong.
Best. Club. Ever.
My vote for President goes to Barlow for the chidlhood memory shock value :)
Zelda gives me the CREEPS in a serious way.
She is NOT on the ballot for president Kaz!! But she'll be around for another meeting, I'm sure.
I can't be around the Rachels that I know without doing a Zelda version of "Raaaaachel", but Barlow is the sickest. Barlow for me!
Michael Berryman might make a good scary face candidate.
Or Rosemary from Demons (although any face in that film would probably work).
What about that melty face person Laura Dern meets at the end of Inland Empire?
Okay every one settle down! I have enough Scary Face candidates to last for months. : )
Yeah, though Zelda still gives me nightmares, I'm still going with Barlow here too. Although it should be Pazuzu since he's really only in a few scenes, so it would be just like our government, practically non-existent.
You see, I obviously misread you in a hasty attempt to get away from the freaking dumpster creature.
Pazuzu! Thanks a lot-- I am going to be up all night now!
I'm gonna have to go with Pazuzu. I don't want to have to look at the Dumpster Creature as he's leading meetings.
I vote for Barlow!! Messed up face, Man. :)
I'm going to come up with a porn riff on Scary Face club and call it scary genitals club. It's where people can vote on who's got the scariest junk. I will not be a candidate.
Oh, my vote goes to Zelda. She has a video game and she's in the Poltergeist films!
Hmmm.. Okay.
Why is Tori Spelling not on the ballot?
The moment Chucky comes to life and shows his horrid little mug to Catherine Hicks. Alternate officer, if nothing else!
The dumpster guy from Mulholland Drive has and will always have my vote, I just love the set up of that scene and the pay off is so perfect. I would also say that the Mystery Man in Lost Highway should deserve admittance into the scary face club, David Lynch knows how to present creepy.
Could I nominate BOB from Twin Peaks, that face gave me nightmares for weeks on end...
Bob will definitely have his time Annonae Maus ; )
There is STILL a tie between Barlow and Pazuzu. Also there is now a poll over there on the right, and that'sin a tie too. What a predicament.
A toss up between Pazuzu and Zelda. Pazuzu comes out of nowhere but Zelda lingers and stays in the mind long after the movie is over. However, the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang would defiantly have my vote should he ever make an appearance...
Dumpster Creature FTW! I still CAN NOT watch that scene. It probably has a lot to do with the music too, but nothing, aside from a close-up of a spider's horrible face, is scarier.
Pazuzu will get my vote, but only because Sarah Jessica Parker isn't on the list.
Love your choices, but I must correct you on something: Bonnie Aarons, a wonderful woman/ actress played the homeless person (the nightmare behind the dumpster).
I did know that Carrie and wrote about it one lazy day when I first realized that. I simply meant that in the film her character is a scary homeless man/demon
wowwwwww hahahhaha fuck that face
I well remember "The Countess" from the 1963 movie "Black Sabbath"; the story "The Drop of Water". That Countess was embedded in my mind since I first saw her as a child, and unfortunately she has never left it. As for Pazuzu's face, please don't make me look at it! ;o)
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