I wasn't technically a horror fan when Slither came out, but from what I read online it seems as though there was a huge backlash against the film in its early stages of promotion. Many claimed the film was a rip off of Night of the Creeps causing many to proclaim it as nothing but unoriginal and lazy. James Gunn (who I will never stop calling Tim Gunn) however professed that Slither was more inspired by the likes of Shivers and The Brood. Still though, you can't really move away from that whole, alien parasite in a meteor that turns people into zombies thing. But more on that later.
For now, a plot. After a meteor thing crashes into the small town of Wheelsy, Grant Grant gets turned into an alien slug monster. After impregnating a woman with zillions of slug aliens, Grant soon spreads his "seed" into nearly every resident of Wheelsy, turning them into slave-like zombie manifestations of his own self.
It's true that while the initial landing of the alien is very Night of the Creeps, Slither really does stay much truer to Shivers and the Brood. Not to mention that the film also somehow manages to cram in a horror reference in nearly every single frame. My favorites of course being the R.J. Macready funeral home.

and the Earl Bassett High School.

Earl. YES!

I fucking love Earl, did I mention that?
It is refreshing to see Tremors being shouted at, since the tone in Slither is very similar to it. By that I mean, both Slither and Tremors feel like mostly horror movies with just very good writing--as opposed to horror movies with highly intentional funny dialogue. There needs to be more of that these days. Being funny isn't something you should have to try at it--it should just come naturally, and not a lot of people tend to realize this. The humor is very blunt in Slither and I like that. They aren't coming up with funny ways to describe something being fucked up--character's instead just say, "That is fucked up"--because it IS.
In any case, whether or not Slither is a tribute to gory, funny movies of yesteryear---doesn't mean that Slither isn't in its own right a very, very good film. I was constantly laughing, I was a little scared AND I was a little sad. Plus, no one told me that Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer was Grant,

I always assumed the main alien guy was the mayor.

My bad.
Also, THANKS The Office fans for not telling me that Pam Beesley is what else--the police secretary. Talk about being type casted.

The film is also just very well done in a wide variety of things. Pacing, storyline, acting, writing. The only thing that really lags is the CGI work but this is something I think I can forgive...only not that ending explosion. I can't forgive that.
I guess what I love most about Slither is how it builds up such a great sense of suffocation. This is most notable in the house scene which features a very prominent shout out to Barbara Steele's bathtub scene in Shivers.

I could rave on and on about this particular scene forever because it was really, REALLY well done. It also reminded me of the scene in Arachnophobia where all the little spiders take over the house.

It's one of those moments where you simply cannot anticipate that anyone will make it out alive. The situation seems so dire and so hopeless. The realization that the girl's entire family had been turned was also oddly sad. Mainly this is when she finally gets into her younger sisters' room and sees them writhing on the bed. This in a way goes back to that scene in The Blob remake, where the little boy gets killed down in the sewers. It's like we don't expect, the children not to make it and when they do--it's like a big stamp of SERIOUS all up in your face. For some reason when children are touched in horror films, it feels like all bets are off.
I also give props to Slither for just being really fucking gross. I must tell you, I have seen pictures of that gigantic lady in the barn and I think I may have even seen the clip. In context however, that scene is very, very disgusting.

As is the ending unveil of Grant in a Society-like giant blob of people and grossness.

Grant's face is also a wonderful display of yuck.

But it's also worth pointing out that the entirety of Slither is not made up of solely gross out gore.
So I loved Slither, that much we can see. If there was one thing I could change about it though, it would be the overly zombie-fied actions of the turned. Call me a zombie racist if you want, but I just don't see why they suddenly had to turn all weird, and shuffle and drag their feet when they walked.

They are not zombies, they didn't die, their brains just got taken over by the Grant monster. There was something about this that really turned me off. In the beginning, it seemed more like those that ingested the slugs were more like pod people. There was something off with them and slowly but surely they begin to physically fall apart. But then somewhere down the line, they all just changed into zombies, and so I ask, why? Is there any real need for this, aside from the fact that it appeals to the million and 5 people that love zombies? Couldn't the Brood angle have been played up more so here? Maybe I'm just crotchety because I'm racist against zombies...

Well anyways, I still love Slither and I'm sad more people weren't urging me to see it sooner. It's a fine example of a horror comedy done right, and a horror comedy that manages to supply its viewer with more than enough scares and thrills. Characters are funny and likable and we end up caring about them even though they have really annoying southern accents. Man, Slither---ya done good.
Nice review. I got to be honest, the first time I saw Slither I didn't care for it. Can't really say why, something just rubbed me the wrong way about it. I'm happy to report though that after subsequent viewings I am now a fan.
I'm so glad you finally got to see the awesomeness that is Slither! It is seriously one of my favorite horror movies- and you're absolutely right about the dialogue- it's so effortlessly funny... I really can't get enough of this movie. I often like to watch it with my Ginese friends.
Thanks JP. I can see not liking it at first. I think the first time I actually came across it was randomly on TV and thought it was stupid. But that's probably because I wasn't aware it was supposed to be funny...!
Emily - HAHA I just spit my water all over my cat again! Those Ginese!
I really liked Slither and can't really understand the adverse reaction it has had over the years. But then I'm a fan of this comedy type horrors so it was more my style than some people's I suppose.
Love this movie. I raved about it in my Monster Movie Marathon last year, where you generously wrote about The Host.
I remember re-watching it last year and recognizing that gal from The Office and thinking the same damned thing.
I didn't really know that much about this movie due to lack of advertising but I saw it in the video shop and gave it a watch solely due to Nathan Filion's presence. Needless to say, I was suitably wowed!
Andre, very nice write-up. Slither is one of my top 5 favorite movies of all time across all genres and all time periods; I'm very glad that the movie has found another fan. Jenna Fischer (who plays Pam Beesly) was married to James Gunn at the time of Slither. A year or two before Slither, they made an amusing mockumentary together called LolliLove. James Gunn also has been associated with Troma, so Lloyd Kaufmann was to be an extra in the movie, but his seen was cut (it can be seen in the extras on the DVD, if you're interested in that sort of thing). Oh, and as I feel compelled to say every time I talk about Slither: best-ever cinematic use of an Air Supply song. Anyway, welcome new Slither fan and thanks for the fun read.
Nathan Fillion, Nathan Fillion, NATHAN FILLION IS IN THIS MOVIE AND I FREAKING LOVE HIM AND THIS MOVIE. Welcome to the Slither Loving Club, Andre. You must now get naked and join in the Grant Grant monster big blobby thing or whatever.
Or not. Cuz you're right, that was really gross.
Police secretary lady is also the director/writer's wife, I believe.
I love this movie. The dialogue is so snappy, the gore just right, and the pacing so well-done.
Very nice review, Andre, on one of my favorites in the last few years.
It seemed to me they got more "zombied" as there were more of them taken over. Perhaps the central intelligence was a bit taxed by the extra bodies. One thing I liked is there was the notion the alien now loved for the first time. Shame they didn't really follow through with that.
Lazarus Lupin
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