The truth of the matter is--Home is incredibly disturbing. On many levels and all levels concerning the gag reflex you possess (unless you are inbred). It begins with the armless, legless mother giving birth to a writhing mutant infant. The three brothers cut the umbilical cord with a rusty pair of scissors and then bury the body in a muddy field. The next day or so, neighborhood boys are playing baseball and discover the bloody soil and arm of the infant.

Scully and Mulder are brought in and are intrigued by the body. It seems to possess every single mutation known to man and their investigation leads them to the Peacocks. A family that has been around since the Civil War era, and a family that keeps to themselves in more than one way.

After issuing an arrest warrant for the three brothers, the town's sheriff and his wife are brutally beaten to a pulp by the mutants, prompting the agents to take action against the Peacocks. After creating a diversion by letting the pigs run lose in the field, Mulder and Scully come across the mother strapped to a board beneath the bed.

She vehemently proclaims that this is what she wants. That she loves her boys and they would do anything for her. After a violent struggle leaves 2 of the sons dead, Scully and Mulder escape to find the eldest son (and presumably the father of the other 2 boys) and the mother gone. The episode concludes with the mother's voice rasping instructions about how they will need to make a new family now. The eldest son then emerges from the car's trunk, presumably after having just done the deed.
The whole episode can really be summed up with the term, "barf". It's also surprisingly creepy in its own right as well. It's brutal, it's gross and it's entirely disturbing. It's amazing actually that they did air this on TV and even more amazing that I did not see it. If I had seen it, I would probably still be hiding in my closet, terrified that three inbred mutants would beat me to death with a baseball bat if I emerged.
My one beef has to do with the standard darkness for an X-Files episode, although I would imagine without the darkness, this episode could not be shown on TV. Still though, it was entirely frustrating to not see what was going on. Even in the X-Files movie--it's so fucking dark. Not dark as in depressing but dark, but as in literally, I cannot see a fucking thing.

Then again, do I want to see details of 3 unclothed inbred mutants, or an armless, legless mutant mother giving birth?
Perhaps one of the more terrifying moments was when the mother in her husky, weird man voice, announces that she is hungry. One of the boys then eats a piece of bread, walks over to the mother and is heard regurgitating the bread into his mother's mouth. Mind numbing fear of puke or not--that is messed up.
The episode reads more like a short film than it does an episode of a series. It appears almost as an isolated episode, one where we do not need to know anything about the characters in order to understand the story. It's well done, suspenseful, horrifying and just plain creepy.

The best scene by far is when the three brothers take the car out to the sheriff's house. It's such a moment of anxiety, foreshadowed by the exchange between Scully and Mulder in a hotel room. Scully remarks that the lock on the door is broken, to which Mulder proclaims that you don't need to lock your doors here. After Scully leaves however, Mulder secures the lock with a chair. We then flash to the Sheriff's house, who is seen coming in and shuts the door---the camera focusing on the unlocked door, while the three brothers drive their 1950s car blasting old school music with bats in the trunk.
The violence in that scene, while not entirely shown is still implied--which remains a major importance when dealing with the X-Files as a whole. It reminds me that I need to watch more X-Files. The aftermath is enough to make me need to hold my cat.

Overall, Home is extremely disturbing. If you want mutant inbreeding shoved in your face, watch Wrong Turn 2. If you want a creepy, atmospheric and astoundingly well done portrayal--check out this episode, the 2nd in season 4 (On Instant Watch nonetheless!). It may not end up on the list, but it has got me thinking and wondering about how many people were scarred by the episode as a kid. I can only imagine the kind of cold fear that possessed someone once they laid eyes on that mother's face. A Zelda moment for sure, and one that I hope I don't see when trying to fall asleep tonight...

Wow, this is one of the few X-Files episodes I ever saw. Pretty good. I'm not sure why I didn't watch more.
I've loved X-Files since it was on-air when I was young, and I recently revisited the entire series. This episode definitely stands out from the series as probably THE most disturbing and well-done episode of the series, possibly more disturbing/scary than others because it does not deal with aliens or the supernatural, but rather something that could possibly happen in the real world, and not just a television show.
wow, never heard of this episode. Must check ot out!
I live 15 minutes from Home,Pa :) "Home" from the X-Files is one of my favorite episodes. Granted my Home,Pa is nothing like Chris Carter's but I'm wise enough to not compare them. The incestuous family looking to keep their blood line going & the Andy Griffith references were just perfect :). -3amfright
Okay, so The X-Files is probably my favorite show ever ever ever. I own the entire series on DVD, because I had to. This episode is a real fave of mine simply because it is so fucked up, and the closest thing to true horror that the show ever got to.
Incidentally, the real "Home, PA." is approximately 8 miles away from where I live, no shit. However, it boasts no inbred freaks that I am aware of, and no one named Peacock.
Glad you finally got to see it.
Definitely one of the best episodes done. I'm not surprised a lot of people don't remember this episode...it was only aired once with a viewer discretion warning at the beginning (only time they did that in the series) and wasn't shown in syndication afterwards. Certainly one of my favorite episodes.
I adore The X-Files and David Duchovny (why won't you love me) but I missed this episode when it initially aired (which I'm glad of, since I was way too young to be that traumatized.) However I had a professor in college who showed this episode when we were reading a play that explored similar themes. I swear, between "Home" and "Salo" I have had to watch some of THE most effed up stuff in the name of education.
This is one of the best episodes of the X Files. I was about 22 when this aired and it still messed me up!
matango- I feel the same way. I really need to go back and revisit this series. Thanks to Netflix, it's definitely a possibility.
Emily-That is a good point. Although another episode always stuck out in my mind, maybe just because I get paranoid about finding bites. But there's one where these aliens leave this suspicious like three pronged bite mark, and Scully finds it on her back! I don't think she ends up having whatever "it" is but still...
Jessica & Chris- Maybe there is a Peacock family and you just don't know about them. Actually, maybe you and Chris know each other? How odd!
Tanya- aha, I knew it was something fancy like that, that it had only aired once. I mean, I can definitely see the concern despite all the darkness shielding it, it was heavy, disturbing stuff. Enough to make me cringe anyways.
Miss S--haha you and my Mom both! Actually I think that's one of the main reasons she watched the X-files in the first place...seriously though your classes seem awesome.
they are my neighbours
Oh the other almost as disturbing episode had the lullaby All The Pretty Horses....I first watched X Files after it went in syndication on FX..an episode every evening around 8 pm...I had a toddler and after he went to bed, Mulder and Scully were my "adult conversation". Fast forward 12 years...now my son is 14 and we started watching the series...I'm trying to figure out how to delete Home when he downloads Season 4..we just started Season 3...finished The Walk. It would just be wrong on so many levels to watch that with my son! and I don't want him seeing that shit till he's....32.... I remember being very disturbed when they showed the baby's hand, (don't get me started on how parenthood made me a crazy paranoid loon, lol...) and more and more disturbed...then the Sheryl Crow song....
I did not remember this episode existed until tonight. I saw it when I was 10, and watched it again now. I had always wondered if anyone else had seen it! Had nightmares about it for a while when I was younger, now I know they were justified!
That friend might have been me?
Was it a Facebook conversation like a month ago?
Hi i watched the episode but just wanna know what was the title of the old school song played in that episode?
They only aired this episode one time after syndication. I saw it with friends when it aired and we were all disturbed for days... Or years. Still.
Yeah...I have been watching The X-Files recently and just watched this episode...totally creeped the shit out of me. Not scared but for sure scarred for life.
I'm extremely late to the conversation, but... they *did* show it on TV. A bunch of times. Every year at Thanksgiving on FX. They did wait until 9am to air it, though, "due to the graphic nature of this episode." Come to think of it, I might have a VHS or two of those marathons...
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