I've seen more than a few negative things said about this movie- mostly having to do with the word "terrible" and what not. And after watching it the whole way through I have to wonder- what do you mean it's terrible!? I love this movie. How can you not be completely creeped out by children- killing their parents and every adult in town, and then dressing like Amish people and worshipping corn?? Isaac alone is the most terrifying thing that ever happened to scary children movies- although an IMDB trivia search will tell you that the actor has one of those hormone deficienty diseases and was 25 at the time of filming- plus he also played Itt in the Addams Family movies.

Still, I think the fact that Isaac is actually an adult makes things even creepier. But what I really want to know is what was Isaac's life like before the massive uproar- and corn worshipping. Was he always a super creep? And if so- why didn't his parents kill him first? If my kid was wearing a hat like that around the house, he'd be out of there in a second.
What really makes this movie terrifying is how it blends creepy children AND intense religious folk. Creepy children who put religion above everything else- jeez louise. Although I must point out how silly it is that only 2 of the children would be more into listening to music and playing Monopoly than worshipping corn. Those are some boring kids. Anyways the creepiest parts are by far- the way that the children talk to each other. It's old world with a little Yoda mixed in and its possibly the creepiest thing in the world. The ritual of Amos's birthday and the cutting of the pentagram into his flesh and then the drinking of his blood? What the heck. Why is a pentagram even being used in a religion having to do with "the lord" and some crazy corn monster? Just seeing how excited Amos is to be taken by "he who walks behind the rows" is enough to turn your stomach quite sour. Plus I really really hate the girl in the dress.
So anyways, people who are a little too enthusiastic about religion have always scared me- and to add that to my fear of creepy children? Forget it. Whoever doesn't feel instantly creeped out by this movie and it's "children music" has something seriously wrong with them. The opening scene alone is enough to make you shudder. Plus looking at all those drawings??

What a bunch of creepers. Children of the Corn is perhaps a scary child movie that many seem to overlook. I'm not sure why because these children are terrifying. Sure they might be powerless once their leader is taken away from them- but good God. The minds of children are impressionable and easily molded- probably why Isaac chooses to use them I'm guessing. So you can only imagine how difficult it is to sway them from believing in what they do.
Although....since we find out that "he who walks behind the rows" actually exists- I suppose that makes things even harder. While I'm on the topic- what the hell is that? It looks like a thing from Tremors. Personally I kind of wish "he who walks behind the rows" didn't actually exist- and then Isaac would look even more like a psychopath. If he does exist- then I'm pretty sure I might be right there worshipping him with those children. Why jeopardize your life when a corn monster is involved?
In any case, I hope that I'm not alone in thinking that Children of the Corn is insanely creepy and unsettling. Maybe it's a guilty pleasure or maybe it just really is a good and creepy movie. Who knows.

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This one is from my childhood, so it will always be uber creepy to me. I remember vivid nightmares after watching it the first time. And every other year, when the field beside my house is planted with corn, I can't stand along the edge of my yard at night -- all because of Children of the Corn. *shivers* I'm glad someone from your generation was able to enjoy it and get how scary it really is. Thanks!
It's a flawed film, but has some great moments. The diner massacre is one of my favorite openings ever (I'll still quote the old lady and say "Good coffee" when I feel like creeping my family out) and the soundtrack with the choir children gives me the chills every time. Also, I happen to have that poster hanging in my apartment cause that's the kind of decorator I am.
Apparently there were all sorts of issues during filming and LInda Hamilton has publicly said the filmmakers were more concerned with pleasing the studio than making sense. Still, it works for its subject matter and some of the sequels aren't terrible (I'm partial to Part 3 because it's ridiculous and amazing).
Also, if you liked this, you HAVE to check out Who Can Kill a Child, made a few years earlier and absolutely ruthless.
Oh it was a movie I grew up with as well Leah! I remember watching it on the couch and being so startled when Isaac comes out of the corn all gross looking with that demonic voice!
Emily- I have heard something along those lines- and also that Carrot Top gripped her face so hard during the "Outlander!" scene (because he was so nervous) that he left bruises on her face! Ooh that carrot top.
Funny you say I should watch Who can kill a child because I just got recommended that by Chris from All Things Horror! It's on my queue and will be moved to the top after I finish up some other reviews.
And don't forget watching Linda Hamilton lip syncing to that old rock and roll song! Talk about creepy!!!!! ;)
Hahah! I blocked that from my memory Pax....!
Not the greatest horror movie in the world, but I agree, very creepy. Something about evil kids, dammit! Gets me every time...
Hey, ever wonder what would happen if the Children of the Corn kids ever came across the eerie pseudo-Amish people from The Village? Just a thought...
Yes its good - period. Creepy children are always good in horror movies - no one does it quite like them. "But mummy - they are right behind you." Stuff like that really works for me.
I went to a corn maze a few years ago and annoyed the hell out of my friends by just running up and down the rows and shouting "Outlander!!!!" as loud as I could.
They were not amused.
I love this movie, saw it at age 9! It traumatised me then, and I think it still holds up today. Another film {a bit like Halloween III} which was slated at the time of release and has since become a cult hit. Emily, it's weird what you were saying about Linda Hamilton, as I met her a few months back in London and she spoke quite highly of it - shared some of her memories of filming: she said everyone had to help out as the crew was so small. They all ended up painting the corn green because it was dying in that hot 80's summer, lol.
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